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IDI has distributed more than 50,000 cups of Noah’s Pudding across Canada as a symbol of richness and diversity with the following famous Turkish motto:  “Let’s eat sweet and talk sweetly”. The events took place in different organizations such as churches, homeless shelters, senior houses, police stations, government offices, universities, NGOs, community centers, and schools to promote peace and dialog between people of communities and groups.  Some organizations include:  Ontario Parliament, Alberta Parliament, St-Joseph Oratory, St. Michael’s Cathedral, McGill University, University of Toronto, York University, University of Alberta, and Toronto City Hall. People from different backgrounds, ethnic groups and faith groups have come together to cook Noah’s Pudding as symbol of richness and diversity of Canada; handing out Noah’s pudding dessert to Canadians. Noah’s Pudding is a symbol for different cultures living together in harmony while each preserves their original identities.

We dream a ship. On this ship, people of the globe live in harmony with one another. As a cup of Noah’s pudding, each nation embraces the other. We dream a ship. On this ship, world citizens come together based on common values and global spirituality. We dream a ship. On this ship, everyone will be able to keep and retain their own identity, culture, faith, heritage, richness, and taste. There will be respect for each of these cultures and faiths. No one will curse or insult other’s beliefs or leaders. No one will impose own beliefs, values, lifestyles, views over others. We dream a ship. On this ship, there is dialog and understanding among people of different faiths Instead of bias and hatred, there is empathy and tolerance. Instead of armaments and guns, there are roses. Instead of education for war, there is education for peace. This is our ship. This is Noah’s Ark. This is our hope. With hope, faith and love; we will be able to transform the jangling discords of humanity into a beautiful global symphony of being together. All of us united; experiencing the art of living together in harmony on the Noah’s ark. Like a cup of Noah’s pudding.

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