
This course provides students with both a historical overview of Canada’s public policy approach to dealing with its diverse religious communities and traditions, as well as a practical hands-on approach to the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the Canadian policy process at the Municipal, Provincial and Federal levels. The course will address several critical themes important to understanding public policy in Canada, including: multiculturalism, secularism, gender equality, and religious diversity. By the end of the course, students will gain a broader understanding of how policies are developed in Canada, as well as the contexts in which they arise.

Born and raised in London, Ontario, Hanny Hassan has been involved in interfaith and community service work for the past fifty years. Hanny is a founding board member of the Canadian Dawn Foundation and currently serves on the Board of Governors and the Senate of the University of Western Ontario. He is also the chair of the Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee (Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General) and vice chair of the Ontario Panel of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. Hanny is a former co-chair of the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee and was, until 2010, a member of the community advisory committee of OMNI Television. He now manages an independent consulting engineering practice in London, Ontario.

Roshan Jahangeer is completing her final year of a Ph.D. in Political Science at York University, in Toronto, Canada. Her dissertation, tentatively entitled: The Politics of (Un)Veiling: Feminism, Secularism and Citizenship in France and Canada, includes a critical examination of the veiling debates that have taken place in Quebec, Canada and in France, and features ethnographic interviews with Muslim women who have been affected by the various laws against veiling in France. Roshan has conducted leadership-training workshops for Muslim youth in several high schools across the GTA for her work with the Canadian Council for Muslim Women (CCMW). She has also contributed a case study on secularism in Quebec for an upcoming report on discrimination against Muslims in Canada, to be published in 2013 by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in the UK.

Co-sponsored by the Intercultural Dialogue Institute
Course fee $150, $90 for those having a valid student ID and
$75 for under 18, unemployed or social assistance with valid proof.

Religion and Public Policy in Canada On-line Registration

Religion and Public Policy Registration Form