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Every year IDI Toronto organizes a media launch to kick off the nomination process for Public Heroes Awards. This event is also the venue for recognition of the youth, future Public Heroes. At the media launch youth is recognized, who has demonstrated outstanding performance through participation in volunteer, co-op education, or cadet programs in first responder services, and Canadian Armed Forces.
Media Launch for Public Heroes Awards 2017 was held at Region of Durham Council Chambers on Nov. 23rd, 2016, 9:45am. Below is a list of the youth, who were recognized:
Youth |
Presented by | Service |
Katie Telep | Deputy Chief Jim Moir | Durham Paramedic Services |
Wahaj Arshad | Chief Paul Martin | Durham Region Police Service |
Gajanan Raveendran | Staff Superintendent Kim Yeandle | Toronto Police Service |
Chris Loiacono | Chief Peter Dundas | Peel Paramedic Service |
Mia Rodriques | Inspector Magdi Younan | Peel Police |
Stefan Ntansah | Deputy Chief Iain Park | York Paramedics |
Brian Chan | Inspector Gary Miner | York Regional Police |
Daniel Akinremi | Chief Superintendent Chuck Cox | OPP |
Photos and videos from previous years’ media launches can be seen at this link.
In the YouTube playlist below, you can view the videos of youth recognized, and speeches: