On September 21st, Intercultural Dialogue Institute GTA has organized a one-day conference titled “Peacebuilding and Education”. The conference was dedicated to the International Day of Peace and co-sponsored by Centre for Leadership and Diversity (OISE), the Canadian Centre for Diversity and the Centre for Integrative Anti-Racist Education (OISE).

The goal of the event was to celebrate this special occasion in Canada and highlight the importance of educating children as an effective and sustainable method to prevent and solve conflicts at all levels. The conference also intended to shed light on the successful cases of peacebuilding through education in Canada and abroad. A number of distinguished scholars, educators, practitioners and faith leaders shared their insights with participants. The conference featured four panels dealing with a range of topics such as race, identity, equity, culture and faith in the context of peacebuilding and education.

Every year September 21st is celebrated as the International Day of Peace (a.k.a. “Peace Day”) with the goal of strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and people. The day serves as a permanent reminder for all nations around the world of their commitment to ending violence and establishing peace. In 2013, for the first time the Peace Day was dedicated to peace education by the Secretary General of the United Nations.


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